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Maya's Dressage Training

Maya Sniadecky was born Maya Koppel in Zurich Switzerland. She knew from an early age that horses would play a large role in her life's work. Maya passed her Bereiter's license education in 1986 in Switzerland, studying under the tutelage of Riding Master Conradin Gabriel-Fuhrimann. Fuhrimann noted that Maya was calm, sensitive and kind, making a positive impression on both her human and equine students. Interestingly, Maya completed her R license examination in dressage and jumping on a young Hanoverian that she herself taught which had had no previous experience with R license required work.

From Switzerland Maya traveled to Germany where she became employed by Hans Hofschroer. From Germany Maya went to Hofschroer's large training, breeding and import operation, Chestnut Lawn Farm in Virginia, working there from 1988 until 1994. While there, Maya trained young dressage horses and kept the advanced level dressage horses' training in tune. She prepared horses of high value for national and international competition. Other duties included breeding manager and business manager. 

Maya has competed on her own and clients horses very successfully through Fourth level with a mean score of 75.12%.   She is currently ranked a 3 star rider and is on her way to fulfilling her metals.  She has ridden in over 90 shows on 36 different horses over the last 14 years.  She has worked for many well known breeders while in the states, preparing their young horses for riding and sales, preparing mares for performance tests and registry inspection. 

Maya has a loyal group of riders in the north central Florida area who enjoy her instruction and value her for her knowledge, sensitivity, tact and kindness. She is an instructor who can get her point across to both rider and horse.


Maya provides correct, calm and enthusiastic instruction in dressage to her horses.  She has specialized in starting young horse and training them up through the levels.   Her knowledge of the importance of the basics and her sensitivity towards both horse and rider. Maya helps the horse and rider to understand the correct movements in a positive motivating way.  That encourages confidence in the less confident horses, and encourages eagerness and forwardness in the lazy horse. 

Maya provides correct, calm and enthusiastic instruction in dressage to many students in the Ocala/Gainesville area. Her students benefit from her critical eye, her knowledge of the importance of the basics and her sensitivity towards both horse and rider. Maya helps her students to understand the correct movements in a positive motivating way. Maya has ridden at the FEI level, yet remembers well her own first lessons and how terribly important they were to her future riding and training.

Maya is available to speak at clinics through out the world and is fluent in both English and German.  She has extensive knowledge of bringing up the horse and rider through the levels correctly.  She has ridden at the FEI level on several of her horses that she has started herself.  She has a very good eye and helps her students to understand and develop correct feel of the movements.  She is motivating and encouraging throughout her training, regardless if you are a training level student or Grand Prix rider.  

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